Újbuda's creative technology knowledge center, located in Bercsényi street, is waiting for you!

Adaptér is a living, urban laboratory consisting of a workshop, a professional sound and video studio, a reception area with digital experience elements and a creative project space.

Have you ever wondered what kind of Earth we live in now and what it will be like in 10 years?

Have you ever wondered what kind of Earth we live in now and what it will be like in 10 years? Are you interested in how our present and future can be smarter, greener, and more economical? Climate crisis, environmental awareness, smart solutions, energy efficiency, circular economy, technological awareness… – if you also see the social situations and conditions around us as a task to be solved, are open to common thinking, and would not only talk about it, but also try it out, then Adaptér will be an important companion for you.

Adaptér is a repository of knowledge that prepares us for the challenges of the present and future. Based on our needs and interests, it inspires us to acquire new knowledge and skills, and provides up-to-date knowledge about human and machine technologies. With educational programs and joint workshops, it supports the creation of a balance between our individual responsibilities and opportunities, by mapping the relationship between the digital and analog worlds.

Adaptér was created so that you can learn new things, acquire future-proof skills, and create exciting things either in a community or alone.

The topics along which we think about the world around us

Visit Adaptér at
Bercsényi street 10.

and be inspired by the opportunities for you, learn from our trainings and programs, then create and inspire others to create through your work!

The team of Adaptér and Adaptér Workshop

Alexandra Petrik

Leader of  Adaptér

Marcsi Kriszt

technical manager,
program organizer

Imre Szűcs

worskhop manager

Bence Bodó

program organizer

Emese Novák

leading assistant

Related professional staff

Nikolett Antal

managing director of KözPont Újbudai Kulturális Nonprofit Kft. 

Dániel Erb

sysadmin and developer

Vince Magács


Zsófia Mihály-Geresdi

brand designer

Dorottya Novák


Noémi Szécsi

content creator

Nóra Széplaki

PR, communications manager

Take a look in Adaptér!